Educating and supporting immigrant teachers: Findings from the USA, Argentina, Germany and Israel
Reversed session 2
12:30-14:00 Monday, 26 June, 2023, Room 16
"name":"Educating and supporting immigrant teachers: Findings from the USA, Argentina, Germany and Israel",
"label":"Add to calendar",
Reversed Full session: A session in which several lectures on one common subject are prerecorded and viewed by the audience prior to the session. The focus of the face-to-face session will be on a discussion of the session contents.
- So-called “Migration Background” in Teachers: Insights into German Discourse and Research
Prof. Dr Evghenia Goltse, Prof. Dr. Galina Putjata
University Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 2 University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany - The Growth of Minority Supervisors: Supervision of Pre-service Teachers’ Field Experiences
Associate Professor Bing Xiao
Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, USA - Pedagogical Challenges of Immigrant Minority Teacher Educators: An Autoethnography Study
Assistant Professor Xuexue Yang, Assistant Professor Byungeun Pak
The State University of New York at Oneonta, Oneonta, USA. 2 Utah Tech University, St. George, USA - Bilingual Mathematics Teachers’ Growth in Teacher Identities
Dr. Ji Yeong I
Iowa State University, Ames, USA - Supporting Ethiopian-origin teachers’ induction into Israeli schools
Dr Mary Gutman
Efrata College, Jerusalem, Israel